Larry Coplin Interview From flashlight in a Mason jar to Award Winning Film, Larry Coplin’s diving and filmmaking career spans the early days to the high […]
Interview with a Teacher – “Changing A Million Lives” Shirley Hudgins Ammons, Red Springs, NC Teachers are the great influencers of the world. Their impact cannot […]
Black Skimmers (fairly common shore bird) flying over water. Includes slow motion segment of catching fish in their beaks. Estuary at Carolina Beach, North Carolina near ocean, 1996 (45 seconds)
Rainforest waking up on a foggy morning. Howler monkeys, turtles, snakes, unique tree with thorns on bark, path through the rainforest, and more. Chan Chich Lodge, Gallon Jug, Belize 1984. (6 minutes 58 seconds)
Lost or ghost fish trap on rocky outcrop near Morehead City, North Carolina. They are called ghost traps because they keep catching and killing fish for years. Includes video of soft corals, crustaceans and fish near the trap. (1 minute 49 seconds) 1997