
Your Ocean Resource
Educators and students can access video of marine life from around the world.

Fair Use Policy
Use of this video is limited to projects that are not commercial or created to sell.

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Click on the Video Gallery menu and search for the specific marine animal, plant or environment you need.
OceanArchive Backstory
For more than 40 years, Marine Grafics has filmed the oceans of our planet in order to share the wonder and knowledge with others. We created OceanArchives to make these resources easily accessible and free for educators and students for their own projects.
Seventy-one percent of the earth is covered by water…water that is vital for life. Yet very little is known about the oceans and its inhabitants. It is in many ways an alien world. Very few can visit this underwater world in person. Bill Lovin has been fortunate to do so and is dedicated to sharing the images of that world so that students and educators can learn and in turn, create their own projects to share with others.
The very first videos were originally shot on 16mm film. Later, various digital formats were invented. Over the past 40 years, shows were shot using the latest format of the time. This posed a challenge for transferring the shows from many different formats to a digital version that could be viewed and easily downloaded. Archival films have the inevitable “dropouts”, but we felt it was important to make them available, even with some flaws. In some cases, the film is all that remains of a unique marine environment.
It is hard to care about and protect something unless you understand it. We hope that educators and students will find the videos educational and useful. We also trust that they will inspire you to learn more about our “water planet” and do whatever you can to preserve the ocean and its inhabitants, thus ensuring our own future.